Chondromalacia patella occurs due to the deterioration and softening of your cartilage under your patella (kneecap) which results in the abnormal rubbing of your patella against your thigh bone. It is common amongst runners and other athletes which is why it is often referred to as runner’s knee or patellofemoral syndrome.

Causes of chondromalacia patella

Cartilage functions as a shock absorber as the knee joint supports the body’s weight and movements. Injury, overuse, and degeneration can cause damage to the cartilage which may lead to chondromalacia patella. It may also be the result of trauma to the kneecap, such as a fracture or dislocation and it may also occur if the patella is out of alignment or if muscles that support the knee are weak or tight. Flat feet may also contribute to this condition.

Symptoms of chondromalacia patella

Typically, the affected individual experiences pain and tenderness in the front or side of the knee with grinding or cracking sensations as the knee is bent or extended. Symptoms may worsen after prolonged sitting, when going up or down stairs or when kneeling or squatting.

Diagnosing chondromalacia patella

To diagnose chondromalacia patella, Dr Singh will perform a specific physical examination and imaging tests such as X-ray or MRI may be required. These will support Dr Singhs assessment and determine the grade or severity of your condition.

Treating chondromalacia patella

Conservative care options commonly include rest, cryotherapy, joint adjustment or mobilisation, nutritional intervention, and physiotherapy. Prevention, however, is better than cure hence, taking precautionary measures is very important. Avoiding repetitive stress on the knee, wearing a knee guard during vigorous activities, practising proper knee strengthening exercises, wearing suitable footwear, and maintaining a healthy body weight are some examples of such measures.

Your treatment options can all be discussed in your consultation with Dr Singh as, many conditions can cause knee pain and/or injury so, a correct diagnosis in consultation with Dr Singh is critical in determining the best option for you.

Discover more about knees


Other Knee Conditions

Dr Aman Singh

M.B.ChB(NZ), FRACS (ortho)

Dr Singh works closely with local physiotherapists, radiologists, and other allied health members to ensure that your condition is treated without surgery where appropriate, or that post-operative recovery is as comprehensive as possible.

Dr Aman Singh

M.B.ChB(NZ), FRACS (ortho)

Dr Singh works closely with local physiotherapists, radiologists, and other allied health members to ensure that your condition is treated without surgery where appropriate, or that post-operative recovery is as comprehensive as possible.